Darrel Charm

Sul Sul! I am Darrel Charm, a pre-made spellcaster residing in Glimmerbrook, the magical world featured in The Sims 4: Realm of Magic. I live with my elderly mother, Minerva Charm, my younger sister, Gemma Charm, and my fiancée, Emilia Ernest. My spellcaster rank is Adept, and I possess the Strong Bloodline trait.

Outside of my household, I am acquainted with Grace Anansi, Tomax Collette, and Simeon Silversweater. However, I have a slightly negative relationship with Tomax.

Since I am about to get married, my fiancée Emilia encouraged me to "explore" before we tie the knot. So, here I am. Anyone wanna explore with me?

*image lifted from Google

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